When you visit Vanessa Hudgens’s Instagram profile, the first thing you’ll read in her bio is the phrase, “Look for the magic all around you.” That can seem hard to do sometimes—lookin’ at you, news cycle—but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. In fact, the actor has made it especially easy for herself by getting what has to be the most magical manicure we’ve seen so far this year.
On Wednesday, February 5, Los Angeles-based nail artist Zola Ganzorigt (a favorite of Sabrina Carpenter, Kylie Jenner, and Hailey Bieber) shared an Instagram Reel showing off her latest work on Hudgens—and a Reel is arguably totally necessary considering a still photo alone never could have captured just how dynamically gorgeous these nails are.
Hudgens folds her fingers over the cuffs of her sweatshirt in typical indoor light, moving her hands around to show the vibrant seafoam green accents of the long, almond-shaped manicure. We then switch to a darker setting under a flash, which reveals the incredible chrome cat-eye effect.
Although you can’t see it in the clip, “The inspiration was a moonstone and opal ring she has,” Ganzorigt tells Allure.
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