Emilia Clarke, best known for her role as Daenerys Targaryen in the hit series “Game of Thrones,” has a furry companion named Super Ted who often steals the spotlight. Ted is a dachshund that has captured the hearts of many fans due to his adorable appearances on Emilia Clarke’s social media.
Ted first stole the hearts of the internet in January 2020, when Clarke introduced him to the world with a flurry of Instagram posts. From his bewildered expression clutching a giant stuffed dinosaur to his regal pose in a luxury dog carrier, Ted’s photos captured the internet’s attention. Clarke showered him with nicknames, including “Super Ted” and “Teddington Clarke” for more formal occasions.
Is Super Ted A Loyal Companion?
Beyond the adorable pictures, Ted seems to be a constant source of joy for Clarke. He’s been spotted accompanying her on walks in London, nestled beside her during interviews, and even celebrated his second birthday with a homemade cake (complete with a doggy-safe “2” candle). In a world of dragons and direwolves, Ted serves as a furry reminder of the simpler pleasures in life.
Dachshund Delights
Short-legged and bursting with personality, dachshunds, also known as sausage dogs, are a popular breed thanks to their eye-catching, elongated bodies. Ted certainly embodies these traits. Clarke has playfully remarked on his inability to resist a good “goodbye carpet, goodbye slippers” moment, a mischievous tendency familiar to many dachshund owners.
A Reminder to Embrace the Simple Things
Emilia Clarke’s fierce on-screen persona might have us expecting a fire-breathing personality in real life. But her dachshund, Ted, throws a playful wrench into that image. Their bond highlights the simple joys of pet ownership. It also shows the unconditional love that our canine friends bring to our lives. Spot Super Ted on social media! This dachshund’s charm might steal your heart.