Round 1 – Big hook lands for Pyfer in the first few seconds. Leg kick and another hook shortly after by Pyfer. Great start. Another hook by Pyfer. Pyfer walking down Hermansson here. Big left hook for Pyfer. Another left hook by Pyfer. He’s having his way here. Oh! Pyfer wobbles Hermansson! Body shot by Pyfer. Pyfer is staying patient. Again, Hermansson is wobbled by a hook. It’s looking rough for Hermansson. Pyfer is almost landing at will. The bell rings.
MMA Junkie scores the round 10-8, Pyfer.
Round 2 – Oh! Big right for Pyfer! Another one. Hermansson shoots for a takedown, and he presses Pyfer against the cage. Pyfer breaks free. Hermansson is pressing a bit more here. Three minutes left. Uppercut by Pyfer. Both trade leg kicks. Jab by Hermansson. Jabs to the body by Pyfer. It seems like Hermansson is gaining some ground. Leg kick by Hermansson. Leg kick by Hermansson. A couple of hooks land for Pyfer. Jab by Hermansson. Nice straight right by Hermansson. The bell rings.
MMA Junkie scores the round 10-9, Pyfer.
Round 3 – Pyfer comes out aggressive. Hard leg kick by Hermansson. Nice jabs by Hermansson. Hard right by Hermansson. Hard leg kick by Hermansson. Hermansson is looking good here. Hermansson is putting the combinations together. Pyfer looks like he’s slowing down. Knee to the body then a straight right by Hermansson. Big left hook by Pyfer. He’s got Hermansson backing up. Body shot by Pyfer. What a fight we got. Jab by Hermansson. Pyfer tries to go for a takedown and takes a few shots in the process. The bell rings.
MMA Junkie scores the round 10-9, Hermansson.
Round 4 – A couple of hard leg kicks land for Hermansson. Jab by Hermansson. Stiff jab by Hermansson. Pyfer is chasing Hermansson, but he’s not as effective as earlier rounds. Good jabs by Pyfer. Hard leg kick by Hermansson. Nice hook lands for Pyfer. Pyfer now closes the distance and presses Hermansson against the cage. Good control here by Pyfer. Hermansson breaks free. Three minutes left. Big one, two for Hermansson! Then a leg kick. Pyfer closes the distance again and presses Hermansson against the cage. Hermansson breaks free. Two minutes left. More jabs by Hermansson. Pyfer is bleeding from his nose. Pyfer shoots for a takedown and Hermansson stuffs it. Leg kick by Hermansson. The bell rings. Big shift in momentum.
MMA Junkie scores the round 10-9, Hermansson.
Round 5 – A couple of hard hooks land for Pyfer at the start. Nasty jabs by Hermansson. Leg kick by Hermansson. It looks like Pyfer stability is a bit compromised. Hermansson shoots for a takedown and gets it. Three minutes left. Good shoulder strikes from Hermansson from top. Good short shots by Hermansson. Pyfer looks to be fading. Two minutes left. Pyfer recovers guard. Good shots here from Hermansson. Nasty shots from Hermansson. The bell rings.
MMA Junkie scores the round 10-9, Hermansson. Overall 47-47.
Result: Jack Hermansson def. Joe Pyfer via unanimous decision (48-47, 48-47, 48-47)
Recap: Jack Hermansson shifts momentum to win decision over Joe Pyfer
Photos: UFC Fight Night 236: Best photos from Las Vegas
Records: Hermansson (24-8 MMA, 11-6 UFC), Pyfer (12-3 MMA, 3-1 UFC)
Division: Middleweight
Broadcast: ESPN+
Referee: Mark Smith
Judging: Mike Bell, Sal D’Amato, Chris Lee 48-47.