THREE hillwalkers were rescued in “very challenging” conditions off Scotland’s highest mountain.
The trio – one a teenager, the others in their early 20s – called for help from the summit of 4413ft high Ben Nevis.
But unknown to rescuers they then set-off back down the peak in torrential, gale-lashed rain.
The two members of Lochaber Mountain Rescue Team who answered the initial call out at 6.30pm on Friday had to abandon plans to attend their team’s first Christmas Dance since the pandemic.
Iain Murray, leader of Lochaber MRT, said the trio had made their call for help from the summit shelter, but then their phones stopped working.
“It was very wild, very challenging conditions. We did not know they were making their way down and met them just above half way,” he said.
“They were very wet, and one of them was cold as well. They were also hungry.”
The group, who were from England, were walked off the hill back to the team’s base at just after midnight.
They were warmed up, given food and drinks.
“Please remember the days are very short at this time of year, and cold weather can mean batteries in phones don’t last long.
“It’s a good idea to carry some extra warm layers too, as we get cold very quickly in the wild conditions,” added Mr Murray.
It was Lochaber MRT’s 155th call out of the year, a record for Scotland’s busiest mountain rescue team.