Despite the success of a single film, this star actor’s subsequent films bombed, leaving him under a lot of stress. However, his father did everything to revive his career.
Released in 1981, the film Love Story created a huge sensation on the big screen. Lead actor Kumar Gaurav won hearts with his debut film, and girls were completely enamoured with him. However, his career began to falter soon after. For one film, his father even invested all his money to support him. Scroll down to find more details.
Rajendra Kumar who was a renowned actor did not want his son Kumar Gaurav to become a hero. Instead, he hoped Kumar would try his hand at directing. After failing the screen test, Kumar joined Raj Kapoor’s team as an assistant director. But soon after, he made his debut with Love Story.
Kumar became an overnight sensation with the release of Love Story in 1981. The chemistry between him and the 14-year-old actress Vijayata was loved by the audience, and there were even rumors about their off-screen romance. However, despite the success of this film, Kumar’s subsequent films bombed, leaving him under a lot of stress. Rajendra Kumar tirelessly tried to revive his son’s career.
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In an attempt to help his son, Rajendra Kumar even mortgaged his bungalow to produce the film Lovers, in which Kumar starred alongside Padmini Kolhapure. Despite the huge expenditure, the film didn’t do well at the box office, and Kumar’s career continued to struggle.
Roped in this star actress for the sake of his son’s future
Rajendra Kumar left no stone unturned to ensure his son’s success. In one of his efforts, he cast the top actress of the time, Madhuri Dixit, opposite Kumar. Vijayata shared in an interview with Lahrein that Rajendra Kumar had said he would cast the biggest actress of the time to help his son’s career, which is why he chose Madhuri for Phool. However, despite these efforts, Kumar’s career didn’t recover. All the money he earned from Love Story was invested, but it ended in a disaster.
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