Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin has a been loved by fans. The show began in 2020 and is amongst the top five TV shows on the TRP charts. Shakti Arora and Bhavika Sharma played the lead roles in the second generation story but soon it took a big leap and the cast changed. Shakti left and Hitesh Bharadwaj entered the TV show alongside Bhavika Sharma. The new story of Rajat and Savi has also got all the love. We have seen that they are finally married and have kept their fights aside for their daughter, Saisha aka Sai. They both love her a lot and can do anything for the girl.
Aashka and Arsh have been creating a lot of issues for Savi, Rajat but they have been handling it well. Aashka is now getting jealous seeing Savi and Rajat together. However, Rajat clarifies it on her face that he respects Savi a lot and is no more in love with Aashka.
New entry in Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin
Amidst all these issues, we will see a new entry in the TV show. Yes, as per reports in Telly Chakkar, Social media influencer Tannu Bharadwaj will be entering Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin. Her character will bring in many new changes in the story. This is a big story in Entertainment News.
Nothing much has been revealed yet about her entry. Tannu has a following of 4 million followers and is quit popular on social media. Recently, Kartik Aaryan’s Shehzada costar, Sangam Rai has entered the show. His character will be a grey shade character.
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The show has been compared to Divyanka Tripathi Dahiya starrer Yeh Hai Mohabbatein. Fans are disappointed that the story is very similar and there is nothing to watch. Hitesh Bharadwaj had earlier refused to comment on this. The first generation of Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin had Neil Bhatt, Aishwarya Sharma and Ayesha Singh as the lead stars.
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