As the name suggests, the various characters in the “Transformers” franchise are known for their ability to transform into different forms. The Autobots and Decepticons often use vehicles from Earth to blend in and avoid detection while on the planet, with the various robot factions utilizing everything from standard cars to military transports as they journey around the world and continue their civil war. Using cars and other vehicles makes sense as it gives the Autobots and Decepticons a way to move around at high speed without revealing their true identities and drawing attention to themselves.
Throughout the history of “Transformers,” the Autobots and Decepticons have often changed their appearance. However, most of the main characters are traditionally associated with a certain type of vehicle. For example, Optimus Prime is best known for his alternate form as a large truck, often a Freightliner or a Peterbilt, while the likes of Cliffjumper and Ratchet generally transform into a race car or an ambulance, respectively.
Meanwhile, the Decepticons are often more varied, with Megatron changing his form into pistols or tanks, while the rest of his villainous team includes robots that switch to fighter jets, police cars, and other military vehicles.