At the recently held Netflix event in Mumbai on Thursday, the popular streaming platform announced a host of projects which are slated for release this year. Among the multitude of films and web-series, the platform also announced its one-of-a-kind comedy show with none other than popular television host-comedian Kapil Sharma. While it was already in news that the comedian turned actor will be hosting his first show on Netflix soon, it is also being said that his co-stars Krushna Abhishek and Sunil Grover too will be joining him.
The Great Indian Kapil Show: Kapil Sharma to spread the magic of laughter on Netflix with Sunil Grover, Krushna Abhishek, Archana Puran Singh, and team
Kapil Sharma, who is best known for his comedy chat show on television, will be introducing a similar format for his debut Netflix show. However, what has got fans excited is the return of Sunil Grover, who has been missing from the show for years now. Adding to it, comedian-actor Krushna Abhishek, who too was rumoured to have left it, too will be a part of this new project. The team announced in a quirky manner, following the funny theme of the show, and captioned the teaser which was unveiled on the official social media handle of Netflix.
Expressing their enthusiasm about transitioning to OTT, the team of The Great Indian Kapil Show shared, “Finding our new home at Netflix has been one of the best things to have happened to us. And like we mentioned previously as well, Bas Ghar Badla Hai, Parivaar Nahi. We are excited and all geared up to entertain our fans not just in India, but across the globe. Dil thaam ke baithiye, as we present to you, The Great Indian Kapil Show, from 30 March only on Netflix!”
Kapil Sharma catapulted to fame with his chat show, which has now shifted from television to a digital format. However, the show is expected to return with new sets and new characters. The Great Indian Kapil Show is a variety chat show set in the bustling confines of an airport and features prominent celebrity guests every week. The series will expand to global audiences, infusing Kapil Sharma’s signature wit with classic Indian humour and also features Sunil Grover, Krushna Abhishek, Kiku Sharda and others. It will be arriving on Netflix India from March 30 with episodes dropping every Saturday at 8 pm.
Also Read: Ginni Chatrath along with Kapil Sharma share memorable moments with Shah Rukh Khan and Rekha at Ira Khan and Nupur Shikhare’s wedding reception; see pics
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