Tejasswi Prakash who gained all the name and fame from television has taken a break from the small screen. In her latest interview with Bombay Times, the Naagin 6 actress revealed that she has taken a break from TV as she wants to explore new opportunities on different platforms. It’s indeed a shocker for her fans, but Tejasswi has promised to entertain them on other platforms and now one can wait for her to announce something interesting on the OTT platforms.
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In an interview with BT she said, “I want to explore different mediums. But as they say, never say never. I have learnt it from life, and I have learnt it the hard way. So, I am not going to say that I will never do a TV show. After all, it has made me who I am today. If done in the right manner wherein you pick the right shows, then you certainly get recognition. People know me, but now I want that to translate into something else. So yes, I have taken a break from television.”
Emphasising on the decision behind the break from TV, she gave examples of other actors in the same interview Tejasswi added, “Yes, it is tough, but people have done it, and so, I feel I can do it too. It might take a little longer, but it is not impossible.”.
Tejasswi Prakash is one of the popular names in television and she has come a long way. The actress has impressed audiences with her acting prowess over the years. Tejasswi was last seen in Ekta Kapoor‘s most popular supernatural show Naagin 6. Tejasswi was also seen in Bigg Boss 15 and her love story with actor Karan Kundrra grabbed a lot of eyeballs. The couple are very much together even today.
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