Former Houthi spox.: Israel can contribute to overthrowing the Houthis

Former Houthi spox.: Israel can contribute to overthrowing the Houthis

The life of Ali Al Bukhaiti, former spokesperson for the Houthis in Yemen and nowadays a political and social activist residing in the UK, has been one filled with moves and changes. Born in 1976 in the village of Al-Malha, Dhamar Governorate, to the Al-Hada tribe, he moved between several regions in Yemen, living … Read more

Yemenite Jew passes away, buried by his Muslim community

Yemenite Jew passes away, buried by his Muslim community

Yahya ben Yosef, one of the last Jews of Yemen, passed away last Thursday, and was buried by Muslim neighbors in his community, Israeli media reported on Sunday.  Ben Yosef was reportedly buried in the village of Madar, north of Sana’a in Yemen, Ynet noted in their report. He had family in Israel.  Reports … Read more