6 Wardrobe Staples Stylish Over-50 French Women Own

6 Wardrobe Staples Stylish Over-50 French Women Own

It’s no secret that French women possess a knack for a polished style that reads as effortless and cool. Over the years, they prove to really refine their personal senses of style with wardrobes stocked with incredible closet essentials. French women are truly in the know about which building blocks will last for years ahead, so it’s no surprise … Read more

I Hired a Pro at Wardrobe Clean-Outs—7 Things I Tossed

I Hired a Pro at Wardrobe Clean-Outs—7 Things I Tossed

How do you suggest finding storage options for small spaces? “Think outside the box. For example, the cabinet where we put your shoes is what people will think is a media cabinet. If you go in the kitchen aisle at the container store and you look for plate dividers, they actually make for a good … Read more