Why Republican poll watchers worry U.S. election officials

Why Republican poll watchers worry U.S. election officials

“Be aggressive,” Jim Womack, a local Republican Party chair in North Carolina, told the grid of faces who joined the Zoom training session for volunteers to monitor voting on Nov. 5. “The more assertive and aggressive you are in watching and reporting, the better the quality of the election.” During the two-hour session, conducted from … Read more

Trump Appears To Urge Police Union Leaders To Illegally Surveil, Intimidate Voters

Trump Appears To Urge Police Union Leaders To Illegally Surveil, Intimidate Voters

Donald Trump appeared to encourage police union leaders to monitor voting and intimidate voters, which would be illegal. Trump urged police to “watch out for voter fraud,” noting that their presence, presumably at polling stations, could intimidate members of the voting public. “They’re afraid of that badge. They’re afraid of you people,” he said. He … Read more