Chandrayaan-3 records 250+ seismic events, 50 need studies to check link to moonquakes | India News

Chandrayaan-3 records 250+ seismic events, 50 need studies to check link to moonquakes | India News

BENGALURU: In multiple “firsts”, India’s Chandrayaan-3 mission has detected more than 250 seismic signals on the Moon’s south polar region, including 50 distinct ones that have no correlation to the activity of the rover’s (Pragyan) movement or operations of other instruments but could be possibly linked to Moonquakes.This marks the first collection of seismic data … Read more

Moon’S Seismic Activity: Moon’s seismic activity likely linked to past meteorite impacts or heat effects: Isro

Moon’S Seismic Activity: Moon’s seismic activity likely linked to past meteorite impacts or heat effects: Isro

NEW DELHI: Seismic activity in the Moon’s soil could be due to impact from meteorites in the past or local heat-related effects, according to Isro’s preliminary analysis of data received from Chandrayaan-3’s quake-detecting instrument. However, detailed studies are needed to get more insights from the data, they said. Their research paper, published in the journal … Read more