How to make a strawberry spongecake: James Martin’s recipe uses only 6 ingredients

There is nothing better than a creamy sponge cake topped with strawberries on a summer’s day, and it is incredibly easy to make. James Martin’s strawberry spongecake recipe only takes 10 minutes to prepare before it bakes in the oven for 30 minutes. He said: “This delightful sponge cake is filled with cream and strawberries … Read more

Jamie Oliver’s Victoria Sponge cake is ‘so simple’ to make in only 30 minutes

Victoria Sponge is Britain’s most famous dessert for a reason as nothing is better than this creamy jammy cake, and it is incredibly easy to make from scratch. Jamie Oliver has said he loves his version of this recipe as “it’s so simple to remember” as he makes a Victoria Sponge cake with ingredients you … Read more