Hamilton students heading to Iceland to map caves with a drone, hoping their invention will be used in space

Hamilton students heading to Iceland to map caves with a drone, hoping their invention will be used in space

A team of McMaster University students in Hamilton will soon head to Iceland, where they’ll camp out by a series of underground lava tubes they plan to map with a drone.  The drone uses hardware and software designed by the undergraduate students, who hope their tech will one day be used in space exploration to specially map underground areas in … Read more

The Indignity of Trump’s Veepstakes

The Indignity of Trump’s Veepstakes

Donald Trump, the twice-impeached, quadruply indicted former president, is still figuring out who should come aboard his third presidential ticket. His last running mate, Mike Pence, helped create the permission structure that allowed evangelical Republicans to support a thrice-married adulterer. Pence was obsequiously loyal to Trump throughout his entire time in office. And, in the … Read more