US Senior Desperate For A Job ‘Doesn’t Even Have $1 In Her Wallet’ — How The 25X Rule Can Help You Save For Retirement

US Senior Desperate For A Job ‘Doesn’t Even Have  In Her Wallet’ — How The 25X Rule Can Help You Save For Retirement

Mirroring the the financial challenges faced by many elderly Americans, a US senior finds herself in a dire situation with not even a dollar to her name despite a lifetime of hard work. This scenario represents a critical issue: the precarious financial state of many older individuals who are forced to seek employment to make … Read more

Is The American Dream Dead? Boomer Couple Moves To Columbia For Lower Expenses And Better Healthcare

Is The American Dream Dead? Boomer Couple Moves To Columbia For Lower Expenses And Better Healthcare

John and Susan Pazera’s dream of early retirement seemed out of reach while living in the United States, where the average retirement age is 65 for men and 63 for women. Faced with the high cost of living, healthcare expenses, and the general financial strain of staying in the US, they knew they needed a … Read more