UNRWA chief visits Gulf countries in bid to plug funding gap

The head of the main UN Palestinian relief agency, UNRWA, is visiting three Gulf states this week to drum up support after donors suspended funding following Israeli allegations that some of the agency’s staff were involved in the Oct. 7 massacre attack that claimed the lives of 1,200 people. Some 15 of its most … Read more

IDF: An Israeli National Guard may undermine the army’s wartime ability – Israel Politics

The IDF vehemently opposes National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir’s proposal to establish a National Guard, which is expected to be approved by the government soon. IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Herzi Halevi warned that it may undermine the IDF’s ability to carry out missions during wartime.  Defense Minister Yoav Gallant also strongly opposes Ben-Gvir’s … Read more

Israeli protest head sues Likud MK for false claim of Hamas affiliation – Israel Politics

Israeli anti-judicial reform protest leader Shikma Bressler announced that she has filed a NIS 2.6m. defamation suit against Likud MK Tally Gotliv as well as six additional online influencers for resharing Gotliv’s false claims about Bressler. Last week, Gotliv falsely claimed that Israel’s intelligence agency, Mossad, knew of Bressler having “communicated with Hamas leader … Read more

Iran’s Foreign Minister speaks to Qatar about Tehran’s assets

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian and Qatar’s Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mohammad bin Abdulrahman Al Thani discussed the use of Tehran’s assets in a phone conversation the Iranian diplomat had with his counterpart in Doha. The Iranians were reassured that “implementation” of a deal for Iran to access billions of dollars prior to … Read more

‘October 7’ shawarma shop opens in Jordan

A shawarma and pizza shop called “October 7,” seemingly glorifying Hamas’s attack on Israel, recently opened in Jordan in the Karak governorate, according to local media.  A video tour of the store, showing cooks in “7 October” uniforms making friendly conversation with the audibly excited man behind the camera, was uploaded Thursday evening to … Read more

Who is winning the shadow war between Israel and Iran? – analysis

This weekend, Hojatollah Omidvar, who served as the head of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Quds Force intelligence unit in Syria, was assassinated in the Damascus area, allegedly by Israel. Omidvar’s deputy and three other senior officials were killed in the same strike. Back in June, The Washington Post reported that Omidvar, also … Read more

Israel-Saudi deal hinges on Iran, Energy Minister Cohen says

With his eyes toward a Saudi normalization deal with Israel once the Gaza war is over, and in opposition to Palestinian statehood, Likud politician Eli Cohen took up his new role this month as energy minister. His building is just around the corner from his former office, where he served as foreign minister for … Read more

Qatar: Mandatory path to two-state solution key to stability in Israel

Requiring Israel to agree to a time-bound, mandatory path to a two-state solution is key to future stability in Israel and the Palestinian territories, Qatar’s Prime Minister said on Tuesday during the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Abdulrahman al-Thani said the Palestinians must be the ones to decide if … Read more

Al-Aqsa Flood and the Israeli Right’s future: Voices from the Arab press

Al-Aqsa Flood and the Israeli Right’s future Al Rai, Kuwait, December 27 For more stories from The Media Line go to themedialine.org In the aftermath of Israel’s crushing defeat on October 7, a severe dilemma now confronts Benjamin Netanyahu’s government. This defeat has not only put an end to Israel’s longest-reigning leader and prominent … Read more

How the Israel-Hamas War worsened challenges facing the Abraham Accords

On September 14, 2023, US State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller put out a statement about the third anniversary of the Abraham Accords. “Tomorrow marks the third anniversary of the signing of the historic Abraham Accords. Normalization between our allies in the region has been transformational for Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Morocco,” … Read more