Why non-compete agreements are bad for companies and workers- Fast Company

When you accepted your job, you may have not read the fine print of your employment contract and might have signed away more rights than you realized. One in five American workers have signed a noncompete clause in their employment contract. And many likely had no idea what they were agreeing to or its impact … Read more

How the U.S. can switch to a 4-day workweek

For many people, the biggest problem with work isn’t anything about the job itself; it’s how the timing constantly conflicts with everything else in life. We take for granted the “standard” five-day, 40-hour workweek, but the truth is, this structure was created less than 100 years ago to suit a much different reality. In recent years, … Read more

3 (kind of easy) ways to totally transform the hiring process

One of the fundamental problems with work that all of the other problems hinge on is getting hired in the first place.  Even as the nature of work changes and innovations transform our jobs, the hiring process feels stuck in the same biased, ineffective rut. This is a problem as old as work itself, and … Read more

Why hard work isn’t enough to get ahead

A big part of adulthood is the slow and repeated realization that many of the beliefs that have guided your coming of age are fallacies. Your expensive college degree might not in fact guarantee your dream job, your “good” middle-class salary might not be enough to buy a home, and perhaps the biggest wake-up call … Read more

The real reason why so many managers don’t know how to manage

One of the most universal problems with work is bad bosses. Part of the reason so many people end up with a terrible manager is that as a society, we associate personality characteristics like charisma to mean someone has strong leadership skills. Instead, it’s often a sign of narcissism.  But personality isn’t the only reason … Read more

Why don’t managers and workers get along?

Even in the best of times, there’s always been conflict between corporate leadership’s priorities and those of employees. But the past several years have been far from the best of times. When the pandemic forced companies to embrace remote work as a necessity, employees were able to seize the opportunity to work in what is … Read more