Black holes cook their own meals, according to NASA’s Chandra X-ray study; here’s how |

Black holes cook their own meals, according to NASA’s Chandra X-ray study; here’s how |

Scientists discovered something new and have opened the lid on black holes’ behaviour. Researchers used NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and the Very Large Telescope data to find conclusive evidence that huge black holes can feed themselves. Such a discovery opens very important aspects regarding the complex relationship between black holes and the gas around them. … Read more

James Webb Space Telescope reveals how supermassive black holes starve galaxies of star formation |

James Webb Space Telescope reveals how supermassive black holes starve galaxies of star formation |

Astronomers using the James Webb Space Telescope have confirmed that supermassive black holes have the ability to deprive their host galaxies of the gas and dust needed for star formation.This groundbreaking discovery was made by an international team of researchers, co-led by the University of Cambridge, and marks a significant advancement in understanding the complex … Read more