What Gen Z, millennial, and Gen X women have in common at work.

What Gen Z, millennial, and Gen X women have in common at work.

For all the talk about generational differences and divides in the workplace, I have seen a fundamental commonality across all ages—especially among Gen Z, millennial, Gen X, and even boomer women. This common denominator is the desire to get ahead and further their careers. Although that ambition is nearly universal, however, there is a key … Read more

I’m a founder living with chronic illness. Here’s how I thrive

I’m a founder living with chronic illness. Here’s how I thrive

I was lying in a hospital bed. The smell of antiseptic overwhelmed my senses. An IV pierced my arm and pumped morphine through my veins to dull the agonizing pain.  After nearly three weeks in the hospital, with no answers, the doctors finally figured out it wasn’t “all in my head.” They found bleeding ulcers … Read more