Cracker Barrel apologizes after Maryland restaurant refused to serve special needs students

Cracker Barrel apologizes after Maryland restaurant refused to serve special needs students

Cracker Barrel issued an apology after one of its Maryland locations refused to serve a group of local students with special needs. The chain claimed that it was unable to accommodate the large party of students for reasons unrelated to their disabilities but recognized that the situation was “unfortunate.” The exterior of the Cracker Barrel … Read more

Why travelling to Japan with a disability is not the problem many people believe it to be

Why travelling to Japan with a disability is not the problem many people believe it to be

Japan is currently more of a tourist hotspot than ever, with its weak yen making it very attractive for holidaymakers. In the first half of this year, about 1.3 million people from Hong Kong visited the country. For some people, however, the prospect of having a holiday in Japan can be a daunting one, with … Read more

Commentary: Gifted students in focus, but what about those with learning difficulties?

Commentary: Gifted students in focus, but what about those with learning difficulties?

THE OTHER END OF THE SPECTRUM According to the American Psychiatric Association, it is estimated that 5 per cent to 15 per cent of school-age children globally have a learning disorder, impacting their abilities in reading, writing, or arithmetic. Of these, around 80 per cent have dyslexia, characterised by specific reading impairments. In Singapore, 6.9 … Read more

Money Talks Podcast: The heavy costs of raising a special needs child

Money Talks Podcast: The heavy costs of raising a special needs child

And all of this is done in accordance with the instructions that we have given. Andrea:I understand you also have a younger daughter, correct? And she’s not special needs. Where does she fit into your legacy plan? Frederic: Yes, her younger sister is called Sawako. Obviously, she’s fully aware of her sister’s condition. And the way … Read more

Mina Sunico-Chin co-founded special needs centre AltSchool to help her sons

Mina Sunico-Chin co-founded special needs centre AltSchool to help her sons

SMALL CLASSES, IMMERSIVE LESSONS When she imagined how a class might be run, Sunico-Chin remembered how mainstream preschool teachers might struggle to take on special needs children because “they just have too much on their plate”, although it’s “not their fault”. So she was determined to keep the intimate class size – specifically one teacher … Read more

‘I just feel happy’: Artist with Down syndrome finds joy creating ‘art from the heart’

‘I just feel happy’: Artist with Down syndrome finds joy creating ‘art from the heart’

Without formal training, she simply does “art from the heart”, her parents said. The self-taught artist has won several local and international awards. She is also a regular at exhibitions organised by ART:DIS, a local non-profit organisation dedicated to creating learning and livelihood opportunities for persons with disabilities in the arts. “Her works have always … Read more