9 reasons Hong Kong films are loved globally, beyond stars like Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan

Today, after a lull that started in the 2000s, there is renewed global interest in Hong Kong films from both past and present. (From left) German Cheung, Terrance Lau and Tony Wu in a still from Twilight of the Warriors: Walled In, by far the biggest Hong Kong blockbuster of 2024. Photo: Media Asia Films … Read more

Why Shaw Brothers Hong Kong wuxia film star Ti Lung only played heroes, and why Chen Kuan-tai traded on his ‘real kung fu’ skills as opposed to Jackie Chan’s stage kung fu

Chen, 78, has had a varied career, making his name in period films directed by the legendary Chang Cheh – his powerful debut in 1972’s Boxer from Shantung is particularly dynamic – and also playing dramatic roles across the full spectrum of martial arts films. He has starred in many classic films, including Chang’s The … Read more