Mystery of repeating radio waves solved, scientists trace origin of slow radio pulses

Mystery of repeating radio waves solved, scientists trace origin of slow radio pulses

For years, astronomers have been puzzled by slow, repeating bursts of radio waves from space. Now, for the first time, they have tracked one of these signals to its source: a red dwarf star, likely paired with a white dwarf, the remains of a star that died long ago, according to the Conversation journal. Mysterious … Read more

Brown Dwarfs: Astronomers uncover two brown dwarfs with ‘weird configurations’

Brown Dwarfs: Astronomers uncover two brown dwarfs with ‘weird configurations’

An illustration showing a pair of closely orbiting brown dwarfs (Photo: In a recent discovery, researchers have revealed that what was once thought to be a single brown dwarf is, in fact, two brown dwarfs orbiting each other in a rare binary system. This new insight into the celestial body, Gliese 229B, has astonished … Read more