Catholic org. asks Pope to dismiss cardinal over sexual books

Catholic org. asks Pope to dismiss cardinal over sexual books

By Ryan Foley, Christian Post Reporter Thursday, January 25, 2024 Newly elevated cardinal, Argentinian prelate Victor Manuel Fernandez, attends a courtesy visit of relatives following a consistory for the creation of 21 new cardinals in The Vatican on September 30, 2023. Pope Francis elevates 21 clergymen from all corners of the world to the rank … Read more

Pope Francis Warns Against Ideological Splits in Catholic Church

Pope Francis Warns Against Ideological Splits in Catholic Church

VATICAN CITY —  Amid resistance to some Vatican policy by more conservative factions of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis on Saturday cautioned the faithful against fracturing into groups “based on our own ideas.” He issued the call to abandon “ecclesiastical ideologies” in his homily in St. Peter’s Basilica during Epiphany Day Mass, the last major … Read more

Vatican issues 5-page clarification regarding same-sex blessings

Vatican issues 5-page clarification regarding same-sex blessings

By Jon Brown, Christian Post Reporter Saturday, January 06, 2024 Pope Francis addresses pilgrims during his weekly general audience at Saint Peter’s Square in the Vatican on Oct. 26, 2022. | VINCENZO PINTO/AFP via Getty Images The Vatican’s doctrinal office issued a five-page statement Thursday clarifying last month’s controversial “Fiducia Supplicans” guidance, which led to … Read more

Priest excommunicated for calling Pope Francis ‘antipope usurper’

Priest excommunicated for calling Pope Francis ‘antipope usurper’

Father Ramon Guidetti said he intends to frame excommunication decree, hang on wall By Jon Brown, Christian Post Reporter Friday, January 05, 2024 Father Ramon Guidetti was excommunicated after slamming Pope Francis as a “Jesuit Freemason” and “antipope usurper” during a homily on December 31, 2023. | YouTube/Radio Domina Nostra A Roman Catholic priest in … Read more

Pope urges Vatican officials to avoid ‘rigid ideologies’

Pope urges Vatican officials to avoid ‘rigid ideologies’

By Anugrah Kumar, Christian Post Contributor Tuesday, December 26, 2023 Pope Francis waves his hand to the crowd as he delivers his Angelus prayer from the window of his study overlooking St.Peter’s Square at the Vatican on February 27, 2022. – Pope Francis expressed his “deep pain for the tragic events” resulting from Russia’s invasion … Read more

African Bishops reject same-sex marriage, American Catholic priest says

African Bishops reject same-sex marriage, American Catholic priest says

A Catholic priest, Reverend Father Jean-Miguel Auguste, has commended the stand of Catholic Bishops in Africa on blessing same-sex couples, saying “Africa is the only continent that will save the world’’.Mr Auguste, a priest of the Brooklyn diocese, who said this in his homily at St. Pius X Parish, New York, on Sunday praised the … Read more

Archbishop prohibits same-sex blessings, admonishes Pope Francis

Archbishop prohibits same-sex blessings, admonishes Pope Francis

By Jon Brown, Christian Post Reporter Wednesday, December 20, 2023 Pope Francis leaves after delivering a speech at the Atomic Bomb Hypocenter Park on November 24, 2019, in Nagasaki, Japan. | Tomohiro Ohsumi/Getty Images A Catholic archbishop in Kazakhstan reportedly issued a formal repudiation of the Vatican doctrinal office’s guidance this week allowing priests to … Read more

Franklin Graham slams new Vatican measure on same-sex couples

Franklin Graham slams new Vatican measure on same-sex couples

By Katelyn Webb, Tuesday, December 19, 2023 The Rev. Franklin Graham speaks at the “God Loves Your” tour event at the ExCel London convention center in London, England, on Saturday, Aug. 26, 2023. | Courtesy BGEA The Rev. Franklin Graham slammed Pope Francis for approving a measure that will allow Roman Catholic priests to offer … Read more

Israel’s crimes in Gaza more heinous than ISIS, Iranian FM claims

Israel’s crimes in Gaza more heinous than ISIS, Iranian FM claims

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said on Sunday that Israel commits crimes more heinous than those of ISIS, according to an article by the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA.) The minister went on to say that Israel should pay compensation for the acts he deemed criminal. “Hamas was not destroyed after 70 days; The … Read more

Pope Francis Joins Calls For Treaty To Regulate Artificial Intelligence

Pope Francis Joins Calls For Treaty To Regulate Artificial Intelligence

Pope Francis has called for an international treaty on AI regulation, as the EU continues to finalise details of the “world’s first” AI law. Francis, who has been the victim of AI-generated images in the past, called for a binding treaty to ensure AI is developed and used ethically, arguing that the risks of technology … Read more