Members of Parliament’s committees and subcommittees | News

Members of Parliament’s committees and subcommittees | News

Following Wednesday’s decision by plenary on the structure and size of Parliament’s standing committees and subcommittees, the political groups and the non-attached members appointed the MEPs assigned to each of them. Find the list of all EP committees and subcommittees and the list of their members on their respective homepages. Rules on the composition of … Read more

MEPs debate with Ursula von der Leyen ahead of EP’s vote on her election | News

MEPs debate with Ursula von der Leyen ahead of EP’s vote on her election | News

Ursula von der Leyen put forward her vision for a stronger and more prosperous Europe. Key initiatives include a new Clean Industrial Deal to drive decarbonisation and industrial growth, and a European Competitiveness Fund to boost innovation. She announced that she would boost security by doubling Europol’s staff and tripling the number of European Border … Read more

Parliament confirms the list and size of its committees and delegations | News

Members of Parliament’s committees and subcommittees | News

Following a plenary vote on the proposal by Parliament’s Conference of Presidents by a show of hands, the number of members in each of Parliament’s committees and subcommittees for the first half of the 10th legislative term is shown below. AFET Foreign Affairs 79 DEVE Development 25 -1 INTA International Trade 43 BUDG Budgets 40 … Read more

Newly elected Parliament reaffirms its strong support for Ukraine | News

Members of Parliament’s committees and subcommittees | News

The resolution, which sets out the newly-elected European Parliament’s first official position on Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, restates the continued support of MEPs for Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity within its internationally recognised borders. It calls on the EU to maintain and extend its sanctions policy against Russia and Belarus, monitor and … Read more

EP TODAY | News | European Parliament

Members of Parliament’s committees and subcommittees | News

Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine At 9.00, political group leaders will make statements on the need for the EU’s continuous support for Ukraine, followed by a vote on a resolution at 12.30, setting out the newly elected Parliament’s position on Russia’s war. With Russia intensifying its bombardment of Ukrainian civil infrastructure, MEPs are expected … Read more

“A strong Parliament in a strong Europe”- EP President Roberta Metsola | News

Members of Parliament’s committees and subcommittees | News

Għeżież Kollegi, Għeżież Ewropej, B’sens ta’ umiltà u responsabbiltà, nħossni onorata għall-fiduċja li tajtuni biex nibqa’ nservi bħala l-President tagħkom. Se naħdem kuljum biex inrodd din il-fiduċja fija u f’dan il-Parlament. This will remain the House of every person in Europe. Together, we must stand up for the politics of hope, for the dream that … Read more

The European Parliament begins its tenth term | News

Members of Parliament’s committees and subcommittees | News

Roberta Metsola (EPP, MT), outgoing EP President presided over the opening of the session. Following a musical interlude, Pina Picierno (S&D, IT), second Vice-President in the outgoing Parliament announced the candidates for the Presidency of the Parliament. The vote, a secret paper ballot, is taking place immediately after the opening. Eight MEPs elected by lot … Read more

Parliament elects its new Vice-Presidents | News

Members of Parliament’s committees and subcommittees | News

On Tuesday, in a secret vote by paper ballot, 11 Vice-Presidents were elected in the first round of voting. First ballot result MEPs voting: 701 Blank or invalid votes: 36 Valid votes cast: 665 Absolute majority of votes cast needed to be elected: 333 The newly elected Vice-Presidents (by absolute majority) are shown below in … Read more

Roberta Metsola re-elected as President of the European Parliament | News

Roberta Metsola re-elected as President of the European Parliament | News

Roberta Metsola won the election in the first round of voting, where she received an absolute majority of 562 votes cast out of 699 by secret paper ballot, among two candidates. She will continue to lead Parliament for the first two and a half years of the 10th legislative term. Voting results Roberta Metsola (EPP, … Read more