EP TODAY | News | European Parliament

MEPs assess outcome of the UN Climate Change Conference COP 28 From 9.00, MEPs will discuss with Commissioner Dalli and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro the results of the COP 28 in Dubai, which concluded on Wednesday. An official EP delegation participated in the COP 28 between 8 and 12 December. Dana POPP(+32) … Read more

Human rights breaches in Belarus, Tanzania and Tibet | News

The unknown status of Mikalai Statkevich and the recent attacks on the family members of Belarusian politicians and activists Parliament demands the immediate and unconditional release of Mikalai Statkevich and all 1500 political prisoners in Belarus. A former presidential candidate and 2020 Sakharov Prize laureate, Mr Statkevich is serving a 14-year sentence based on politically … Read more

Recognition of parenthood: MEPs want children to have equal rights | News

With 366 votes against 145 and 23 abstentions, MEPs backed draft legislation to ensure that, when parenthood is established by an EU country, the rest of the member states will recognise it. The aim is to make sure that children enjoy the same rights under national law regarding education, healthcare, custody or succession. No changes … Read more

Frontex: MEPs want an effective border agency compliant with fundamental rights | News

On Thursday, the European Parliament adopted a resolution wrapping up the fact-finding investigation by the Working Group on Frontex Scrutiny with 366 votes in favour, 154 against, and 15 abstaining. Search and rescue at sea Frontex could do more to increase the EU and member states’ capacity to carry out search and rescue operations at … Read more

MEPs want to revise EU geo-blocking rules to eliminate remaining barriers | News

On Wednesday, MEPs underscored the need to re-assess the EU’s rules on geo-blocking, particularly in light of the accelerated digital transformation and surge in online shopping in recent years. The existing rules allow consumers to shop online and access services across borders without restriction, however MEPs say they must be applied fully and remaining barriers … Read more

Parlament will Spitzenkandidatensystem vor Europawahl regeln | News

Der entsprechende Bericht wurde mit 365 zu 178 Stimmen bei 71 Enthaltungen angenommen. Darin fordert das Parlament, die schon 2019 gestiegene Beteiligung an der Europawahl bei der Wahl vom 6. bis zum 9. Juni 2024 noch weiter zu steigern. Sein Hauptaugenmerk liegt dabei auf einem möglichst wirkungsvollen Wahlkampf und auf dem nach der Europawahl anzuwendenden … Read more

Opening: 11-14 December plenary session | News

Five years since Strasbourg terrorist attack Today marks five years since the horrific terror attack in Strasbourg that claimed the lives of five innocent people and left dozens more injured, said President Metsola. Among the victims were two journalists working for Europhonica, Barto Pedro Orent-Niedzielski from Poland and Antonio Megalizzi from Italy. For their work … Read more

EP TODAY | News | European Parliament

Last-minute press briefing at 16.30 The Parliament’s Spokesperson and the Press Service will hold a press briefing on this week’s plenary session at 16.30. More information here. Journalists wishing to actively participate and ask questions, please connect via Interactio by using this link. Looking ahead to the June 2024 European elections After the opening of … Read more