Human rights breaches in Venezuela, Kyrgyzstan and India | News

The political disqualifications in Venezuela Parliament strongly condemns the Venezuelan regime’s arbitrary and unconstitutional decision to prevent prominent political opposition figures like María Corina Machado, Leopoldo López, Henrique Capriles and Freddy Superlano from running in the 2024 elections, a ballot which could have constituted a turning point towards a return to democracy in the country. … Read more

Defending democratic institutions and EP’s integrity against malign interference | News

Attempts to interfere with democracy are a “widespread phenomenon that must be countered as vigorously as possible”, warn MEPs in their recommendations on the reform of European Parliament’s rules on transparency, integrity, accountability and anti-corruption. Reiterating their “deep shock and condemnation of the allegations of corruption, money laundering and participation in a criminal organisation” by … Read more

Protection of journalists in the EU: MEPs back rules to stop abusive legal cases | News

Under draft legislation endorsed on Tuesday in plenary, journalists, media organisations, human rights defenders, activists, researchers and artists will be protected in the EU from strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs), the aim of which are to intimidate and penalise them. With 498 votes to 33 and 105 abstentions, MEPs adopted their negotiating position on … Read more

New electoral rules and the “Lex Tusk”: Poland’s latest threats to EU values | News

The resolution adopted by plenary on Tuesday takes stock of the latest developments in the country that, according to MEPs, point to further backsliding on European values, following the exchange of views that took place on 14 June. Electoral reform MEPs have concluded that the amendments to the Polish Electoral Code adopted ahead of the … Read more

Combating violence against women: MEPs ready to negotiate on draft EU directive | News

The mandate prepared by the Civil Liberties and Women’s Rights committees includes a consent-based definition of rape, tougher rules on cyber violence, and better support for victims. It also asks for: case-by-case assessments for consent; a longer list of aggravating circumstances for offences, including those resulting in the death or suicide of dependants, crimes against … Read more

Bulgaria and Romania should be in Schengen by end of 2023, says Parliament | News

In a resolution adopted on Wednesday with 526 votes in favour, 57 votes against, and 42 abstaining, Parliament stresses that both countries have already fulfilled the necessary requirements to be admitted into Schengen. MEPs regret the Council’s decision of 8 December 2022 to reject their membership “without presenting any legal justification related to accession criteria”. … Read more