Spacecraft army or nukes? Nasa reveals strategy against ‘planet killer’ asteroids

Spacecraft army or nukes? Nasa reveals strategy against ‘planet killer’ asteroids

In a major step to safeguard Earth from potential catastrophe, Nasa has released its strategy to counter “planet killer” asteroids, drawing inspiration from the extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs 66 million years ago.The plan outlined in Nasa’s National Preparedness Strategy and Action Plan for Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) and Hazards, details a multi-pronged approach … Read more

Should you need to worry about the asteroids hitting Earth? Understanding the real challenges of the asteroids grabbing attention |

Should you need to worry about the asteroids hitting Earth? Understanding the real challenges of the asteroids grabbing attention |

An Eiffel Tower sized asteroid hurtling towards the Earth? Isn’t it terrifying? The asteroid 2024 ON, sparked a lot of media attention with being potentially hazardous. But on the contrary, the astronomers have also stated that the asteroid posed no danger and passed the Earth safely despite the alarming headlines.Since the discovery in July 2024, … Read more

How often do asteroids come near Earth and should we be worried?

How often do asteroids come near Earth and should we be worried?

The solar system is teeming with an astonishingly vast number of asteroids. Scientists have already identified at least 1.4 million of these celestial bodies, with the likelihood of many more remaining undiscovered. The majority of the known asteroids orbit within the main asteroid belt situated between Mars and Jupiter. However, a significant portion of these … Read more