Balkan plot to dig up Yugoslav leader Tito’s remains hits a wall  – POLITICO

Balkan plot to dig up Yugoslav leader Tito’s remains hits a wall  – POLITICO

The proposal to rehouse Tito has caused rifts within Serbia’s ruling coalition, which although led by the center-right Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) also includes the Socialist Party of Serbia and the Movement of Socialists, as well as the ultranationalist Serbian Oathkeepers. Outside the government, prominent intellectuals in Serbia have balked at the idea of disinterring … Read more

South Africa’s president won’t resign despite ANC losing majority for first time – POLITICO

South Africa’s president won’t resign despite ANC losing majority for first time – POLITICO

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa called for unity after his African National Congress party failed to win a majority, marking a new era for Africa’s most advanced economy. It’s the first time the ANC, once led by Nelson Mandela, has failed to win a majority at an election since the end of white minority rule … Read more

Ndaba and Mbuso Mandela against sale of personal items [watch]

Ndaba and Mbuso Mandela against sale of personal items [watch]

The Mandela family is divided over the auctioning of the late Statesman’s personal items. Ndaba and Mbuso Mandela, who are the grandchildren of South Africa’s first democratically-elected president Nelson Mandela, told eNCA that their family has not had a chance to sit down and discuss the upcoming sale of 70 of Madiba’s belongings. ALSO READ: … Read more