Two ‘potentially hazardous’ massive asteroids to fly past Earth this week

Two sizable asteroids are set to fly past Earth this week, as reported by the European Space Agency, marking a unique coincidence that aligns with this year’s Asteroid Day.Despite their classification as “potentially hazardous” due to their size and trajectory, neither of these celestial bodies poses any threat to the planet.Asteroid 2024 MK, measuring between … Read more

Plane-size asteroid, travelling at 16500 kmph, to have close call with Earth today? Alerts Nasa

Nasa has alerted the public about an asteroid named 2024 KN1 that will make a close approach to Earth on June 23, 2024, at 18:09 UTC (11:39 PM IST). This asteroid, part of the Amor group, is approximately 88 feet in size and will travel at a speed of about 16,500 kilometers per hour. While … Read more