Tripartite partners have ‘heated’ debates, says Tan See Leng, as WP questions independence of NTUC

Tripartite partners have ‘heated’ debates, says Tan See Leng, as WP questions independence of NTUC

In response, Mr Giam contended that it was “ridiculous” for any ruling party not to seek good relations with unions. He said what the WP wanted was to “untether the NTUC from the PAP and free up unionists to be independent advocates for workers in Singapore”. At this point, NTUC deputy secretary-general Desmond Tan (PAP-Pasir … Read more

NTUC designated ‘politically significant person’ under Singapore’s foreign interference law

NTUC designated ‘politically significant person’ under Singapore’s foreign interference law

THIRD ORGANISATION TO BE DESIGNATED PSP Singapore’s foreign interference law is aimed at strengthening the government’s ability to prevent, detect and disrupt foreign interference in domestic politics. The Bill was passed in parliament in October 2021 after a lengthy debate. Political parties, political office holders, Members of Parliament, election candidates and their agents are among … Read more

Retrenched Lazada employees to get more payouts but some remain unhappy about differentiated packages

Retrenched Lazada employees to get more payouts but some remain unhappy about differentiated packages

S$1,200 PAYOUT “RIDICULOUS” Others in the same situation as Rachel and Tricia felt compelled to update a group chat on Monday about what they saw as a positive outcome.  The group chat, with more than 100 affected employees, was created right after the retrenchment exercise and was a source of support for those affected by … Read more