When this orangutan got roughed up, he treated his wound with a medicinal plant

When this orangutan got roughed up, he treated his wound with a medicinal plant

When Rakus the orangutan found himself a little worse for wear, he seemed to know exactly what to do about it. In June 2022, the Sumatran orangutan in Indonesia sustained a wound to his face, likely during a scrap with another male. So he grabbed some liana plant, which is known for its medicinal properties, … Read more

‘A story of hope’: Scientists find elusive golden mole for the 1st time in 87 years

‘A story of hope’: Scientists find elusive golden mole for the 1st time in 87 years

As It Happens6:12Scientists find elusive golden mole for the 1st time in 87 years When a group of conservation scientists set off in search of a long-lost species of South Africa moles in 2021, their colleagues warned them not to get their hopes up. After all, the last time a scientist had seen a De … Read more