Stop milk going sour for 3 weeks with food storage method using salt

Stop milk going sour for 3 weeks with food storage method using salt

If you often find yourself tossing out milk before you’ve had a chance to use it, you’ll be pleased to know there’s an easy way to keep it fresh for up to three weeks. Food storage experts have revealed a simple yet effective trick using a common kitchen ingredient that can dramatically extend the shelf … Read more

Avoid storing milk in this area of fridge to stop it going sour quickly

Avoid storing milk in this area of fridge to stop it going sour quickly

Milk will generally go off within seven days once opened but to avoid wasting any, storing it in this particular location in your fridge could help to keep it fresher for longer. If left out of the fridge, milk will go off in just two hours as the longer milk is exposed to the heat … Read more