Ex-Tesla Worker Says If You Work At The Company And Elon Does This One Thing To You – It’s Time To Look For Another Job

Carl Medlock, a former Tesla territory manager from 2009 to 2013, recently shed light on their experience working at Elon Musk’s company, detailing the work culture and even hinting at what it might feel like to be on the verge of termination. After four years in his post at Tesla, Medlock shared his experience working … Read more

How can I deal with a micromanaging boss?

Welcome to “Pressing Questions” Fast Company’s mini advice column. Twice a week, Deputy Editor Kathleen Davis, host of The New Way We Work podcast, will answer the biggest and most pressing workplace questions in less than one minute. Q: How can I deal with a micromanaging boss? A: Oh, this is SO common. Really, does … Read more