Representative Jasmine Crockett: “I’m Nobody’s Punk” — Interview

I had to ask Crockett if she felt any remorse for attacking another woman’s body in her retort. After all, “bleach blonde bad built butch body” is an insult that tears another woman down in a worse way than commenting on false lashes. “I don’t. The goal was to make a point. If it’s okay … Read more

Willow’s Bold Moves and Big Feelings—Interview

But all that preteen attention—Smith was just nine when “Whip My Hair” was released—and the pressures that came with it eventually took a toll. She had to take time away, a calculated retreat if you will. “There was a time where it was really, really dark,” she says. “I was trying to run away from … Read more

A New California Bill Aims to Ensure Incarcerated People of Color Have Access to Suitable Hair Products

No one going to prison expects a spa experience from the canteens and commissaries selling personal-care products to the population. But what many incarcerated people of color have come to discover is that they can’t even expect to find products that serve the basic needs of natural hair, while their white counterparts have access to … Read more