Israel’s Supreme Court facing constitutional crisis – Israel Politics

Israel’s Supreme Court facing constitutional crisis – Israel Politics

Conventional wisdom has it that within a week or two, Israel may find itself in an unprecedented constitutional crisis since – for close to a year – Israel’s Supreme Court has not had a permanent president from among its members. The last president, Esther Hayut, retired on October 16, 2023, after reaching the age … Read more

Israelis prefer Netanyahu over Gantz for PM – Poll – Israel Politics

Israelis prefer Netanyahu over Gantz for PM – Poll – Israel Politics

The Likud party has overtaken Benny Gantz’s National Unity party for the first time since October 7, according to a survey published by Maariv on Thursday. Against the backdrop of an impending counterattack from Iran and Hezbollah, for the first time since the beginning of the war, the Likud party returns to being the … Read more

MK Avigdor Liberman, MK Gideon Sa’ar hold concrete merger negotiations – Israel Politics

MK Avigdor Liberman, MK Gideon Sa’ar hold concrete merger negotiations – Israel Politics

Yisrael Beytenu chairman MK Avigdor Liberman offered United Right chairman MK Gideon Sa’ar in a meeting in early July a concrete proposal to merge the two opposition parties ahead of the next election, Channel 12’s Dafna Liel reported on Sunday. According to the report, Liberman offered Sa’ar two spots out of every 10 on … Read more

State Attorney justifies soldier investigation in Nukhba case – Israel Politics

State Attorney justifies soldier investigation in Nukhba case – Israel Politics

A committee meeting is to be held on Sunday about the investigation of soldiers for the murder of a Nukhba terrorist. State Attorney Amit Isman stated: “I approved the investigation after determining that the evidentiary basis was solid and justified to open one. There is reasonable suspicion; that’s what we followed and will continue … Read more

Netanyahu, Ben-Gvir, Shas clash over ‘Rabbis Law’ – Israel Politics

Netanyahu, Ben-Gvir, Shas clash over ‘Rabbis Law’ – Israel Politics

The coalition on Monday entered crisis mode over an attempt by National Security Minister MK Itamar Ben-Gvir to force Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to make him a member of a small war cabinet. Ben-Gvir’s attempt came in the form of a threat to vote against a bill that was important to Shas, another key … Read more

Netanyahu’s Likud repeats misleading claim in High Court ruling reaction – Israel Politics

Netanyahu’s Likud repeats misleading claim in High Court ruling reaction – Israel Politics

The Likud’s response on Tuesday to the High Court ruling saying that the state could no longer refrain from drafting haredim into the IDF included several misleading claims, bringing into question whether or not the government intends to lead to a significant increase in haredi draftees. The Likud, the largest party in the governing … Read more

MK Avigdor Liberman proposes the establishment of new party – Israel Politics

MK Avigdor Liberman proposes the establishment of new party – Israel Politics

The first step in the journey to topple the Netanyahu government began this Thursday in a meeting initiated by Yisrael Beytenu chairman MK Avigdor Liberman. The primary purpose of this meeting was to establish a sector of opposing parties whose clear goal is to topple the Netanyahu government and advance elections.  It is becoming … Read more