The exact spot to store lettuce to keep it fresh for longer

The UK throws away around 9.5 million tonnes of food waste every year, a figure which has the potential to feed roughly 30 million people a year, according to The Eco Experts. One major reason Britons end up wasting food is that it goes off before they have a chance to eat it. But one … Read more

How to keep lettuce ‘crisp and fresh’ for two weeks – ‘maybe even three’

“Place each little bundle back in the bag it came in and seal it tight – this will keep the moisture out. “And if you’re using a stashed bag or another reusable bag, it’s the same exact method.” The social media creator concluded: “Then pop them in the fridge and you’re good to go for … Read more

Lettuce stays perfectly fresh after 14 days with ‘easy’ storage hack

It is common sense that lettuce should be placed in the fridge, but if not stored using the correct method it will begin to wilt or even go slimy. Lettuce is a highly sensitive vegetable due to its high moisture level, and will quickly begin to rot when exposed to the very dry environment inside … Read more