‘Wonderfully simple’ lemon drizzle loaf requires 5 ingredients – it was the best sponge

A lemon drizzle loaf cake is a favourite sweet treat for many, but it can be hard to perfect, especially when it comes to the drizzle or balancing the lemon taste right. I’ve baked a lot of lemon loaf cakes throughout the last few years, and I was intrigued by this recipe because it was … Read more

I made James Martin’s super simple lemon drizzle loaf cake and it was sublime – recipe

A lemon drizzle loaf cake is a favourite for many, but it can be hard to perfect, especially when getting the lemon taste right. Sometimes there can be too much lemon within the bake making it too overpowering, or not enough. Sharing his recipe on ITV’s This Morning a few years ago, James said his … Read more