Donald Trump’s Persecution Complex | Vanity Fair

Donald Trump’s Persecution Complex | Vanity Fair

Like many an autocrat before him, Donald Trump loves projection. And why shouldn’t he? He’s used the method to great success! Who could forget when, during his 2016 campaign, he assigned Hillary Clinton such labels as “monster,” “unbalanced,” “unstable,” and “dangerous,” at one point even saying, “She’s really pretty close to unhinged.” Now, you might … Read more

Could Donald Trump’s Revenge Fantasies Come Back to Bite Him?

Could Donald Trump’s Revenge Fantasies Come Back to Bite Him?

Is Donald Trump rooting for Hunter Biden to be acquitted on charges of illegal gun possession, even after years of ranting that the “Biden crime family” belongs in jail? It would make a certain twisted sense: “See, the fix was in all along!” the former president could claim if Hunter is exonerated. “Just like my … Read more