Today’s daily horoscope for June 23, 2024

Mercury and Mary Poppins Human development typically includes a stage in which leadership becomes internalized. Often the tone of this inner guidance is a resonance of the parenting a person has received from actual parents or caretakers. Whatever kind that was, the sun, Mercury and Venus in Cancer are like a call to Mary Poppins, … Read more

Today’s daily horoscope for May 28, 2024

Bright Trines of Intellect The lunar air sign trines urge us not to underestimate the power in small things. A tiny key can open a huge door. A poem that hardly takes up an inch of paper can conjure an entire new environment in the mind. A smile can save a sale or seal a … Read more

Today’s daily horoscope for March 21, 2024

Young Aries Children are typically taught that doing the wrong thing has consequences. But the lesson that often goes untold is how doing the right thing can also have consequences, and not always the ones one would expect. The sun in the first degrees of youthful Aries reminds us how doing the right thing is … Read more