Today’s daily horoscope for June 23, 2024

Mercury and Mary Poppins Human development typically includes a stage in which leadership becomes internalized. Often the tone of this inner guidance is a resonance of the parenting a person has received from actual parents or caretakers. Whatever kind that was, the sun, Mercury and Venus in Cancer are like a call to Mary Poppins, … Read more

Today’s daily horoscope for June 15, 2024

Lunar Lingering in Libra Feelings don’t mean anything until we decide what they mean, and even then we shouldn’t automatically accept the meaning as the truth. What’s more likely is that it’s just where your mind landed first. Minds go to all sorts of thoughts. The Libra lunar influence suggests we don’t linger on unhelpful … Read more

Today’s daily horoscope for April 28, 2024

Mars and Neptune Conjunction in Pisces When you learn about nature, you are learning about you. When you learn about history, you are learning about you. When you learn business, you are learning about you. Mars and Neptune align in Pisces to show us how we are connected to all things. Through worldly observations, we … Read more

Dear Abby: My father-in-law, who threatened my husband with a saw, is now trying to contact our daughter

DEAR ABBY: While I was visiting my father-in-law, a heated conversation turned violent. My husband, “Rob,” was helping his dad and a neighbor with a house project. When Rob’s dad became upset at him, he lifted the power saw he was holding, turned it on and motioned toward Rob saying, “You’re lucky I don’t slit … Read more