Miss Manners: Please don’t start scanning your items before I’ve bagged mine!

Miss Manners: Please don’t start scanning your items before I’ve bagged mine!

DEAR MISS MANNERS: What do you think about people who start scanning their items at grocery store self-checkouts and sending them down the belt before one has finished bagging one’s own items? I have experienced this rude and selfish behavior on several occasions. Today, when a lady behind me sent her items down the belt … Read more

Miss Manners: Come to our outdoor cocktail party. Oh, but please don’t set a foot inside our house.

Miss Manners: Come to our outdoor cocktail party. Oh, but please don’t set a foot inside our house.

DEAR MISS MANNERS: My husband and I are having an outdoor cocktail party. Since it is outdoors, would it be acceptable to have people enter through our yard gate instead of going through the house, then into the yard? We will have people welcome guests as they walk up to the house and show them … Read more