Today’s daily horoscope for July 1, 2024

Before the Retrograde Money is one of the easiest things to quantify, and yet the numbers cannot measure the many nuanced aspects of its trading. And if we think money is tricky, what hope is there for the accounting of commodities like attention and love? How we’ll try, though, as rectifying the expenditures against assets … Read more

Today’s daily horoscope for April 28, 2024

Mars and Neptune Conjunction in Pisces When you learn about nature, you are learning about you. When you learn about history, you are learning about you. When you learn business, you are learning about you. Mars and Neptune align in Pisces to show us how we are connected to all things. Through worldly observations, we … Read more

Today’s daily horoscope for April 4, 2024

Last Call for Venus Lady Venus has bowed at the altars of empathy. She has lingered with sweet friends at the church social until the janitor turned off the lights. She danced with her squad until the bartender hollered the last call. Alas, the group fun is over. Venus will cross into independent Aries where … Read more