Today’s daily horoscope for June 15, 2024

Lunar Lingering in Libra Feelings don’t mean anything until we decide what they mean, and even then we shouldn’t automatically accept the meaning as the truth. What’s more likely is that it’s just where your mind landed first. Minds go to all sorts of thoughts. The Libra lunar influence suggests we don’t linger on unhelpful … Read more

Today’s daily horoscope for May 28, 2024

Bright Trines of Intellect The lunar air sign trines urge us not to underestimate the power in small things. A tiny key can open a huge door. A poem that hardly takes up an inch of paper can conjure an entire new environment in the mind. A smile can save a sale or seal a … Read more

Today’s daily horoscope for April 4, 2024

Last Call for Venus Lady Venus has bowed at the altars of empathy. She has lingered with sweet friends at the church social until the janitor turned off the lights. She danced with her squad until the bartender hollered the last call. Alas, the group fun is over. Venus will cross into independent Aries where … Read more

Today’s daily horoscope for March 26, 2024

Libra Lunar Power Move Yesterday’s full moon in Libra illuminated the path to balance and beauty. Today’s Libra lunar power move is to remove unnecessary elements, streamline the aesthetics, and create a serene environment that fosters calmness and clarity. This may have to do with the physical surroundings, though organizing the physical will extend metaphysically. … Read more

Today’s daily horoscope for March 21, 2024

Young Aries Children are typically taught that doing the wrong thing has consequences. But the lesson that often goes untold is how doing the right thing can also have consequences, and not always the ones one would expect. The sun in the first degrees of youthful Aries reminds us how doing the right thing is … Read more

Today’s daily horoscope for Feb. 12, 2024

Cosmic Irresolution Some endings offer closure, clarity, cogitation. Others overturn the apple cart, causing confusion, chaos and a cascade of unanswered questions. One way is more comfortable than the other, but neither is inherently better. The change of the moon and then Mars recalls the many tones a transition can take, each lovely when you … Read more