Dear Abby: ‘I reconnected with ‘the one who got away’ and he hinted that he loves me,’ married woman says

Dear Abby: ‘I reconnected with ‘the one who got away’ and he hinted that he loves me,’ married woman says

FLIRTATION WITH THE PAST ENDANGERS STABLE PRESENT DEAR ABBY: I have been married to a wonderful man for 17 years. Recently, I reconnected online with an old high school flame. We have been talking about my hometown, which is where he lives. So many things have changed! I moved away more than 30 years ago … Read more

Dear Abby: Brother dreads being asked to be best man

Dear Abby: Brother dreads being asked to be best man

DEAR ABBY: My brother recently called to tell me he had proposed to his girlfriend, and she happily accepted. While I’m glad he is happy, I’m worried about what to do if he asks me to be his best man. While his girlfriend can be a nice person, they have a one-sided relationship in which … Read more

Dear Abby: Woman knows truth of man’s parentage and wonders if it’s a story she should tell

Dear Abby: Brother dreads being asked to be best man

DEAR ABBY: Forty years ago, a neighborhood boy fathered a child with a neighborhood girl. “Billy” was 17 at the time, and “Becky” was 14 or 15. Both were friends of mine. They were not a steady couple. She liked him, but I feel he used her. I heard that she married an older gentleman … Read more