Biden visits U.S. military cemetery in France that Trump infamously avoided

Biden visits U.S. military cemetery in France that Trump infamously avoided

President Joe Biden ended his trip to France with a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery, the final resting site for thousands of U.S. Marines killed during WWI, an homage former President Donald Trump reportedly dodged during his own overseas trip in 2018. “Every Marine I know knows about the battle in Belleau Woods. There … Read more

Haley hits back after Trump wonders at her deployed husband’s absence

Haley hits back after Trump wonders at her deployed husband’s absence

Former President Donald Trump has apparently taken note of the conspicuous absence of former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley’s husband from the campaign trail and is openly wondering where the man has gotten off to. Trump, during a Saturday rally in South Carolina, asked the audience what had become of Mr. Haley. “What happened to her … Read more