Jerusalem elections: Who are three National Religious lists? – Israel Politics

Twenty percent of Jerusalem’s Jewish residents aged 20 and above define themselves as religious; another 25% define themselves as traditional. Yet for religious Jerusalemites who generally define themselves as National Religious, there are three representative lists running for city council in the elections set for the end of this month. Hagit Moshe, the current … Read more

Challenging the mayor on coronavirus

At one point during the initial onset of COVID-19, it seemed the rivals – Mayor Moshe Lion and city council opposition leader Ofer Berkovitch (Hitorerut) – were about to declare a ceasefire. They exchanged a few polite sentences, Berkovitch offered to add his volunteer teams to those operated by the municipality to help seniors … Read more

Challenging the mayor on coronavirus

At one point during the initial onset of COVID-19, it seemed the rivals – Mayor Moshe Lion and city council opposition leader Ofer Berkovitch (Hitorerut) – were about to declare a ceasefire. They exchanged a few polite sentences, Berkovitch offered to add his volunteer teams to those operated by the municipality to help seniors … Read more

Israeli minister faces pressure to delay municipal elections – Israel Politics

Israel’s municipal elections will take place on January 30 as planned, Interior Minister Moshe Arbel announced on Tuesday after he had been asked to postpone them because of the war. The elections were supposed to have taken place on October 31 but were pushed off following the outbreak of the Swords of Iron War … Read more

Woman of Jerusalem: Dr. Shula Mula

Shula Mula was born in Ethiopia and made aliyah with her mother and her two younger brothers in 1984. The road from Ethiopia to Israel passed through Sudan, where young Mula, then aged 12, spent two months in the very unpleasant conditions of a transit camp until a relative managed to get them out.Mula … Read more

This week in Jerusalem – A round-up of city affairs

Storm brewing? Some eyebrows were raised when Dany Bonfil, the former head of the municipality’s employees committee who had been convicted for fraud, endorsed Moshe Lion in the 2018 mayoral election. Since then, Bonfil has kept a low profile – until last week, when Bonfil sent Lion a letter requesting his intervention against the city’s … Read more

This week in Jerusalem – A round-up of city affairs

 Sanctions loom Will the Knesset sanction government offices that refuse to move to Jerusalem? Following a debate at the Economic Committee led by City Councilman Ofer Berkovitch (Hitorerut), committee chairman MK Ya’acov Margi (Shas) announced his decision to submit a bill regarding the matter. For more than nine years, Berkovitch has tried to promote … Read more

Local elections take Jerusalem – The Jerusalem Post

Toward the opening of the 2013 school year, Yossi Saidov, then chairman of the Gonenim local council and today a candidate for the local council’s board, was fed up. After months of fruitlessly asking the municipality to paint a pedestrian crossing on one of the neighborhood’s smallest streets, Saidov gathered some children and together … Read more