Political Islam: As insurgency drags on in Thailand’s Deep South, a new generation is swept up in the conflict

Political Islam: As insurgency drags on in Thailand’s Deep South, a new generation is swept up in the conflict

Observers said incidents of violence have decreased since peace talks between Barisan Revolusi Nasional (BRN) and the Thai state started in 2013. The talks have also yielded temporary ceasefires, but little else in the way of a lasting resolution. At one of the most recent meetings hosted and mediated by Malaysia on Feb 7, 2024, … Read more

Political Islam: Why the religious conservatism wave is rising in Malaysia but ebbing in Indonesia

Political Islam: Why the religious conservatism wave is rising in Malaysia but ebbing in Indonesia

In neighbouring Indonesia, concerns over the rise of political Islam and religious conservatism, especially in the lead-up to its latest election last month, appear to have cooled. All three pairs of presidential and vice-presidential candidates did not succumb to the use of identity politics to garner votes, observers noted.  The three pairs are: Former Jakarta … Read more