Iran’s election dominated by Khamenei loyalists

Iranians choose a president on Friday in a tightly controlled election following Ebrahim Raisi’s death in a helicopter crash last month, with the outcome expected to influence the succession to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s top decision-maker. With Iran’s supreme leader now 85, it is likely that the next president will be closely involved in … Read more

Iran takes possession of two foreign Airbus A340s

Iran smuggled two planes out of Lithuania, the country’s public broadcaster announced on Thursday. The planes were due to fly to Sri Lanka and the Philippines. The two Airbus A340s, leased by the Gambian company Macka Invest, were due to fly to South Asia in February but reportedly ended up in Iran. The aircraft’s … Read more

Iran’s ex-president Ahmadinejad registers to run for president

Iran’s hardliner former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has registered to run for president in the country’s upcoming snap elections organized after the death of Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash, Iran’s state television reported on Sunday. The country’s cleric-led Guardian Council will vet candidates and publish the list of qualified ones on June 11. A … Read more

Ayatollah Khamenei praises Hamas, calls liberal democracies hypocrites

In a meeting in the Khuzestan province of Iran, on the southern boundary of the country bordering Iraq and the Gulf states, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei called Western civilization “crooked” and said “the right culture and correct logic of Islam will overcome it,” Iranian state media reported. Just prior to that, in the … Read more

IAEA chief says Iran’s nuclear enrichment activity remains high

Iran continues to enrich uranium well beyond the needs for commercial nuclear use despite UN pressure to stop it, IAEA chief Rafael Grossi said on Monday, adding he wanted to visit Tehran next month for the first time in a year to end the “drifting apart”. Speaking to Reuters after he briefed EU foreign … Read more

Does Iran really believe Israel wants regional war?

Iranian pro-government media can generally be relied upon to present the Iranian regime’s narrative and also predict what Iran’s next moves may be. This means that paying close attention to the way the regime presents messaging is important to understand Tehran’s policies in the region. A recent article at Iran’s Tasnim News examined what … Read more