Can Your iPhone Reveal You Are Cheating? 7 Ways Your Partner Might Know

Apple iPhones can unwittingly expose hidden relationships like other tech gadgets such as smartwatches and fitness trackers. Even the most tech-adept cheater, meticulous about separate credit cards and secret meetings, can be betrayed by a digital footprint on their Apple device. Here are seven ways your suspicious significant other can use your Apple device to … Read more

iOS 18 Lets You See The Time On Your iPhone Even With A Dead Battery

The recently announced iOS 18 update includes a wealth of features, but one surprising feature stands out as it allows iPhone users to track time even when their battery is depleted. A recent Reddit post by user ant_t99 showcased an image of their iPhone displaying the time in the top left corner despite being drained … Read more

iOS 18 Hints At A Buttonless Future For iPhone 16, Improved Battery On The Horizon

The latest iOS 18 update strongly hints that Apple’s forthcoming iPhone 16 lineup might incorporate the highly anticipated solid-state buttons. Unveiled at the recent WWDC, iOS 18 includes a much-discussed “hide and lock apps” feature that some worry could be misused for privacy concerns related to infidelity. Among its other noteworthy additions are many AI … Read more

New Apple iOS18 Feature Meant For Banking Privacy Makes It Easier For Cheaters To Hide Dating Apps

After floating around the rumour mill for a while now, Apple’s highly anticipated iOS 18 update is set to arrive soon. The update will reportedly boast an impressive array of features, much to the delight of a billion iPhone users. However, one particular feature has sparked more debate than others. Critics have dubbed the new … Read more